How to draw a scarf

Whatever the weather or the season is, a scarf will always be one of the most loved accessories. Scarves come in different shapes, textures and colors and offer you the best way to freshen up your outfit and make it pop. In addition, there are just as many ways in which the scarf can be tied. This tutorial will show you how to draw a scarf tied in one of the most popular ways. Follow the steps below and learn how to easily draw a scarf in your fashion illustrations.

How to draw scarf step by step tutorial cover – accessories, draw a scarf, drawing tutorial, scarf – how to draw a scarf

Step 1: Set the scarf width

Begin by drawing two parallel curved lines under the neck. These lines mark the where the scarf will be placed and how wide it is. Make sure the shorter line follows the shape of the neck – the deeper the curve, the looser the scarf will appear.

If you want to follow along, download Fashion Template 10 , which is the template I used as a base for this tutorial.

How to draw a scarf tutorial - step 1

Step 2: Draw the Scarf side folds

Draw bumpy curved lines and join the top and the bottom curve you made in the previous step. This way you will fully close up the main body the scarf. The bumps on the left side don’t need to be the same exact amount and the bumps on the right side.

The more bumps you draw, the thinner the fabric of the scarf will appear. For a winter look go with 2-3 bumps only.

Next, add a few folds right where the bumps sink. Make sure each fold is different in length, but similar in terms of direction of the line.

How to draw a scarf tutorial - step 2

Step 3: Draw the end of the scarf

Its time to draw the end of the scarf. Stretch out two slightly curved lines from the neck down to the chest. Then close the shape with horizontal lines at the top and bottom

To add more realism, add a small fold at the top – this will show the fabric thickness.

How to draw a scarf tutorial - step 3

Step 4: Add the second end

Now that you’ve already gone once through this step, make another scarf end. This time let this end starts slightly lower than the other one. Draw this end longer than the previous one, as too much symmetry could look stiff and unnatural.

How to draw a scarf tutorial - step 4

Step 5: Add stripes to the ends

Now it’s time for the fun part! To make the scarf look check and trendy, we will add some stripes to it.

Draw double horizontal lines all over the scarf ends. Notice how big the distance between the double lines is and how none of them is completely straight.

These tiny details will help you make the scarf drawing look so much better!

For best results, try not to overlap the double lines from the top end with the double lines from the bottom end.

How to draw a scarf tutorial - step 5

Step 6: Stripes on the scarf main body

The stripes always follow the direction of the scarf wrapping. Here is why the stripes on this part will be vertical!

Draw double vertical lines with the same spacing between each other as you did before. Follow the fold and change the direction of the lines slightly every time a fold intersects your line.

To better understand the drawing of patterns of this kind you might want to check the ‘How to draw Burberry plaid‘ tutorial too.

How to draw a scarf tutorial - step 6

Step 7: Final touches

Details are all that make a design stand out! Add a couple more folds to the scarf main body. Just a couple of small creases will indicate tension of the fabric at the zone where the ends overlap the main body.

As a final touch, add fringe to the ends of the scarf. The easiest way to do so is to draw half ellipses with different lengths. The “How to draw fringe” tutorial will show you another approach to drawing a fabulous fringe dress.

How to draw a scarf tutorial - step 7

Step 8: Add color and texture

Finish your scarf design by putting some colors and shading. Once you’ve put on your flat colors, get a darker color for the shadows. Add shadows to the back of the scarf where, under each fold and where the scarf is overlapping.

How to draw a scarf tutorial - step 8

And here you are! You just finished your stunning scarf design! If you are interested to learn how to draw more accessories that suit well with every outfit, check out the other tutorials from the ACCESSORIES category like ‘How to draw sunglasses‘ and ‘How to draw a bag‘.

Happy drawing!

Love, teya

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