Differences: Male / Female figures

For the beginner fashion illustrator, many times when drawing a male figure it turns out looking like a female one. The habit of drawing only female models in fashion sketches can make it difficult to draw a male body and face features. In this tutorial, you will learn the basic differences between the male and female body and face. Keep them in mind and your sketches will improve for sure. Have fun!

How to draw men or women step by step tutorial cover – basics, fashion figure, female, figure, man, proportions – differences: male / female figures

Step 1: Draw the Head and Face

Let’s take a look at the differences between male and female fashion faces. While females have a more rounded head shape with a small, delicate chin the gentlemen need bigger and more rectangular forms. Men have larger brows that are placed closer to the eyes. Their eyes are less rounded and the nose is more defined (oftentimes bigger ). The ears are larger and the upper lip is not as full as the female model. Notice the edge of the chin and the slant in the outer corner of the eye.


Step 2: Draw the Neck and Shoulders

The differences in the neck and the shoulders between men and girls are very visible. Men have a shorter and wider neck. The shoulders are considerably wider. Really a lot wider! Plus the men have this Trapezius muscle, which forms a bulge between the neck and the shoulder.


Step 3: Draw the Torso

The tricky difference between male and female torso is in the body outline. Men have no waist. The torso is like a rectangular shape with an inverted triangle at the chest level. Never give hips to men figures too. The hourglass shape will make the figure look like a female one. Inspect the “How to draw female torso” tutorial and make the changes needed.


Step 4: Draw the Arms

When you draw the men’s arms you need to be more aware of the muscles underneath the skin. The arms are more massive and so are the hands. The arms of your male figure should be at least twice bigger than the female ones you’re used to drawing.


Step 5: Draw the legs

Men have bigger, more muscular legs. While you’re seeking elegance and finesse when drawing the female legs, in men’s body you want to make them look stable, massive and strong. Notice how bigger the knees are and how close together the thighs are near the crotch. In the small illustration, you can see how the women’s knees are close together, while the knees of men don’t touch.


Step 6: Man-to-woman comparison

In the free fashion figure template #226, you can see all of the mentioned above differences. Notice that his head is more rectangular and a little bit bigger. See the short, wide neck and how wider the shoulders are. Compare the waists and the size of the arms. Notice how much more muscular the legs of the male figure are.

Figure template 24 – basics, fashion figure, female, figure, man, proportions – differences: male / female figures

Hopefully, this guide helped you to understand the main differences between male and female bodies. If this wasn’t enough you can also see the “How to draw a man figure” or the “Draw Plus Size Figures” tutorials.

Happy drawing!

Love, teya

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