Drawing a proportional, well-shaped body may look challenging to you. In this tutorial, you will discover the steps needed to make it look right quickly and easily with no effort. Learn how to draw the torso and chest in fashion design sketches and have fun!

Step 1: Draw the head
Draw an egg-shaped ellipse that will be the head of your model. Leave enough space for the body. Once you have it, pull down a vertical Centerline for the torso.

Step 2: Shoulder line
Draw a horizontal line half-head below the chin. This is the shoulder line and also marks the length of the neck.
One of the reasons fashion illustrations look that graceful is the long necks of the models. Don’t be afraid to draw a neck longer than half the head size, but avoid making them shorter. A shorter neck will give your model a masculine look.

Step 3: Torso guidelines
First, make two ellipses one next to another right under the shoulder line. They should be the same size as the head and touch the Centerline. Make them one from each side.
Then, draw a third “head” between and under the latter two. The torso Centerline should separate it in the middle. It is essential that you draw all the ellipses the same size in order that your model does not result in an unproportionate figure.

Step 4: Draw chests guidelines
Begin by drawing a feminine neck that is slightly curved towards the Centerline in the middle.
Then, touching the upper two ellipses draw two smaller circles. The size of those is about ¼ of the head. Make one from the left side and one for the right.
The circles in the lower half of the upper two ellipses mark the breasts of the model.

Step 5: Nice curves
Shape the shoulders. Try to make them slightly narrowed and follow the outline of the small circles in the end.
Next, shape the breasts as shown in the picture. Make sure to leave enough space between the shoulder line and the chest.
To draw the waist find the middle of the head frame and make two narrow lines. Follow the guidelines of the ellipse.

Step 6: Rib cage
Connect the waist and the breast by curved lines. These are for the rib cage.
Step 7: The details make it work
Follow the circle guideline of the breast and add short lines from the opposite side of the outline you already have.
Mark the belly-button close to the bottom of the last head frame.
For the breastbone draw a small circle where the shoulder line and the torso Centerline cross. Connect it with the shoulders by narrowed (up) lines.

Step 8: Pelvis guidelines
Soften the line of the collarbone.
Draw two circles from both sides of the Centerline again. These are the frame for the pelvis.
Mark the crotch.

Step 9: Bones
Find the middle of the last ellipses and connect the waist and the crotch forming a diamond-like shape.
Just below the waistline draw two circles with the same size as those used for the shoulders.

Step 10: Complete the pelvis
Outline the pelvis with soft curves. Don’t forget the small circles.

Step 11: Add the legs
Erase all the guidelines you don’t need and draw the legs and arms that you’d like. It’s up to you!

In conclusion, drawing the female torso requires careful attention to detail and proportion. By following the steps outlined above, you can create a stylized version of the torso to serve you in your fashion sketches. Make sure to explore our How To Draw Legs and How To Draw arms tutorials to complete your croqui.
Happy drawing!

Hey Teya!thanks but drawing the ovals is a problem.I also suggest that you make a website on drawing eyes,ears,nose and mouth
Guys would you try controlling your emotions!go try reading the Bible perhaps it would help you.
Hi there I had lots of fun doing this.I appreciate very much!Merci
I Draw Fashion
I am happy to know this! Thanks!
This has helped alot.thank you very much
This is quite good and stop the unneeded cursing
you should have shown her naked
Wow this is actually really helpful! I’m so glad I found this!
@jornya how rude do you have to be to pick on an 11 y/o, i have never seen someone act so disrespectful to a little kid. you really must be looking for attention because of the way you act. you’re the child, learn some respect before you start going after someone that just needed some help with her sketching. i can’t imagine how you get through your daily life being so disrespectful like that, learn some manners ;)
Gotta love the discourse in the comments. In any case this was for practice.
This really helped me thank you I drawer it perfectly and I’m only 11
phillip lybarger
yeah this is good but it doesn’t do enough steps for beginners
In my opinion, the waist is too small, and the hips are too big, but it’s still very helpful!
thanks alot
WOW INSTANTLY LEARNED now time to practice
Hi there! Im a aspiring designer and your tutorials have really helped me a lot and I just wanted to say thanks ! <3 Because of you now I have mastered the fashion figure and just wanted to say keep up the good work !
I don’t know who u think u are but u is not perfect I bet u cant even draw anything on here u filthy bragger
@Jornya! Wow your comment made me speechless. How rude and disrespectful of you to say such things to others.
I don’t care I come on this website to learn to draw not read braggers and people in my business so f*** you b****
so imature
bai tari kashi mhass kanchi!!!tuze us chaa
what the heck isha just minding her own business and thanking this website cause it helped her. how is she bragging in any way and werent u just bragging to the 12 year old that had a hard time
shut the fuc* up jornya you sad patheitc piece of sh*t
you are an angry little cowboy
Shermyn Cheah
@jornya are you jealous? And yes i do admit,i am a little envious of your achievement @isha,but we should cheer people UP,not bring them DOWN. But then again,i guess you would be jealous of those that knows how to spell.
B**** I know how to spell I stay the f*** out my business people need to stop bragging
“u is not perfect” — at least she’s closer to perfection in grammar than you are. If you didn’t want to read comments then don’t. No one is forcing you to read someone’s comment and then criticize them. If anything, you are up in @Isha ‘s business for replying to her perfectly harmless comment. The blame can’t be shifted.
No hard feelings, I bid you a good day. ☺
im sorry but this not helpful at all FOR A 12 YEAR OLD!!!!
IT was helpfull to me and i’m 12 too
Tbh it is and I’m only 11
Speak for yourself this website has improved my fashion designing alot.
why you so damn negative Jornya
I have a fashion design book made by the brand klutz, it has worked wonders!
thanks! this is a big help especially now that I am just starting! :P
BEST FASHION SITE IN THE WORLD!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I’ve never read anything more true.
Elysse Phelps
Nice website! :lol:
Elysse Phelps
This is an amazing website! I have learned how to draw very well! :D
:lol: thank you so much
Thankyou do much this is lots of help
:D this site is awesome ive always wanted to draw fashions designs from scratch and now i know how!!!!!!!!Thnx sooo much :P
Her waist looks too small. Otherwise, I’d say pretty good.
:lol: Thanks! These really helped!
Omg, I LOVE THIS STE!! :lol: :D
maya uno
i’ve already tried.. manual by hand and corel draw also :-)
I Draw Fashion
[quote name=”Erin”]I had to make the breasts and waist bigger and the hips smaller im sure its just my drawing. It really helped me thanks!!!!![/quote]
Yes, this is really a basic tutorial – you can touch the details and really make it the way you feel that looks best.
I’m glad that you enjoy the final result :)
I had to make the breasts and waist bigger and the hips smaller im sure its just my drawing. It really helped me thanks!!!!!
this help me a lot. :)) Thank you.
ah i finally got how to draw those sexy boobs ;-)
thank you! i have been wanting to draw fashion designs but i didnt know how to draw them. no now i can! thank you! :lol:
This is just what I’ve been looking for! Thank you! :D
I want to be a fashion designer so so bad, but in my country this is just impossible :cry:
I Draw Fashion
[quote name=”jade”]i want to be a fashion designer soo bbad and i just cant draw the boddy i have to use croquis and this looks hard but ill try :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :sad:[/quote]
You will do perfectly, dear Jade. Practice, practice, practice :-)
i want to be a fashion designer soo bbad and i just cant draw the boddy i have to use croquis and this looks hard but ill try :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :sad:
Wow. I didn’t know that with “proper proportioning” you end up with a waist as thin as the models neck. :sigh:
This looks challenging but I think I’ll give it a try!!!!!!! thnx :P :lol: :-) ;-) :lol: 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry:
I Draw Fashion
Sure, Cherry, I’m planning to open a whole new section in January with tutorials for models in different possitions. There will be front, back, side view poses, sitting and moving poses, maybe even men and children :)
If you join our Facebook group you will hear the updates the moment I upload them or just check out from time to time.
Thanks for the comment!
hey thank you sooooooo much after searching many books and sites this is where i drew a human body sketch and finally am so confident about it !! can give a tutorial abut different positions too? it will be so helpful!
Ema Yasin
So much thanks, I was desperate. Great site, great artist!
WOW! THIs helped a lot.