Here in this tutorial, you’ll learn how to draw the fashion figure walking down the runway. This is one of the most popular poses that fashion designers use for their portfolios, yet it is fast, easy and fun to draw. All kind of clothing looks great on this pose. So sharpen your pencils and let’s begin!

Step 1: Body dimensions
Mark the size of the fashion figure. If you are going to draw it on the whole sheet, leave just a little bit of space from both the top and bottom end.
Pull a vertical body Centerline and find its middle.

Step 2: Legs/torso
To set the length needed for the legs and the torso divide the upper half of body Centerline in 3 even parts. Mark the middle of the 3rd part. This is where the pelvis of your fashion figure should be.
Higher than the pelvis stands the torso, below – the legs.

Step 3: Head size

To find how big the head of the model should divide the upper space from the pelvis into 3 equal parts.
The top segment is where the head and the neck are going to be. Separate it in 3 again.
Step 4: Draw the head
Draw the head in the first 2/3 of the top section.
Continue and draw the neck in the last 1/3.
If everything is correct so far you should have enough space to draw 3 more heads from the neck down to the pelvis. Check it out, it’s important.

Step 5: Draw the torso
Draw the figure’s torso. If you need help with it– use the “How to draw female torso” tutorial. I won’t tell anyone ;)
Make sure you do not erase the little circles on the hips, you are going to need them in the next step.

Step 6: Hips move
This is the most essential step in drawing this fashion pose. You need to move the whole hips area to the left.
Also, make sure that the left circle stands higher than its original position and the right circle stands lower than before.
If you were to connect the two circles with a line it would be no longer horizontal, but rather diagonal.
The incline of the hips is always from the front leg toward the back one.

Step 7: The front leg
One head from the ground marks a spot close to the body Centerline. Join this spot with the higher hip circle. This way you will hint the direction of the front leg.
In the middle of the leg’s guideline draw a circle for the knee.

Step 8: Draw the leg
Using the “How to draw legs” tutorial draw the front leg of your model. The spot that you marked in the previous step is approximately where you should place the ankle. Note that the foot is not tilted, but straight, parallel to the body Centerline.
Draw a circle for the knee of the back leg right next to the other.
Use a short horizontal line to indicate the level of the toes of the back leg. This line should be about the ankles of the front leg.

Step 9: The back leg
Connect the lower hip circle to the back leg knee.
Draw the foot. Its size is almost the same size as front leg’s. Note that it is partially hidden behind the front leg. The more, the better.
Use an arched line to join the knee with the foot.

Step 10: Back leg flesh
Finish the outline of the back leg following the guidelines you just made. Notice that there is space between the tights.
Draw the guidelines for the arms as seen at the “How to draw arms” tutorial. Remember that the elbows are always at the level of the waist.
Keep the arm corresponding to the front leg close to the body and slightly behind it. The arm corresponding to the back leg should be drawn away from the figure.

Step 11: Arms
Finish drawing the arms of your model and erase any unnecessary lines.

Add the face, hair, and clothing to make this walking pose absolutely amazing!
Congratulations, you have just learned how to draw the perfect walking poses! How about some other poses? If you are curious to learn more, go check out the “How to draw back view poses” and “How to draw side view poses” tutorials.
Happy drawing!

Thank you very much
Great help
As I am interested in developing a new style of
High heel shoes
It is great. Thank you so much. I use your drawing tips in my tutorial
this was hard but it was cool
Omg this has helped me so much in my learining as I want to become a fashion designer myself. Thank you so much for this! :)
Thank you so much! Although I still have a lot to learn, this helped me improve in drawing this particular pose. Thank you for making all of these tutorials, Ms. Teya, I really appreciate them!
Hey this is vas and thanks a lot
Hey i really so need your help im a begginer at this and im not sure what to start with
Natalie Tage
Hi teya can you please post fashion figures of different poses. Since i got to know your site believe me this what i’v always looked for. Designing has always been my passion and your site is the best i’v come across. Please post about how to draw different fashion figures. Will be a big help for me. Thank you.
Hi I am Iranian your site is very helpful
Thanks a lot
Teya,how can I draw any position of a fashion figure?
I really like your all tutorials …its very helpful for me too …if you have a little time …just tell me the name of a fashion magazine for monthly updates.
This was very helpful and I thank you. But how do you determine how the fabric of a dress flows onto the body for a sketch?
This helped me so much can u do more for beginners because im a beginner ur awesome
Good technique, but the body and face are too out of proportion.
Tammy Law
Cool but u could do it in other positions right?My art teacher is strict .
I Draw Fashion
Sure! What other positions you would like to see?
emma goldberg
what about a female standing still
all! please
do you think you could maybe do a chevron totourial
you saved my soul today..thank you.
I Draw Fashion
You’re always welcome <3
this is so hard, and they make it look easy. i gave up on the second or third step. break it down. ireally wanna b a fashion designer, and ur not helping. the only thing i was succesful with was the sitting pose :sad: :oops: :-|
i tried to draw this but on like the third step, gave up. they nnake it look so easy. the only one i was succesful on was the sitting pose :oops:
;-) I’m 14 and I sent my designs to head of a fashion group and they approved! They’ve offered me a youth design job :lol:
if you are requerd so r fine artist
I Draw Fashion
[quote name=”Kenna”]How tall do you usually make your models. I don’t want to make mine too short or too tall.[/quote]
Usually about 9 heads tall.
How tall do you usually make your models. I don’t want to make mine too short or too tall.
:lol: :lol: :lol: thanx sooooooooo much :)
My drawings can finally look like actual people instead of circles and squares
:D :D :D :D :D :D
i hate you’ :oops: re site
Boss Ass Bitch
this is an awesome website. But it wasn’t what I was actually looking for :-| :-| :-| :-| :cry: :o :sad:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) ;-) :-| :-| :lol: :lol: :lol: :D thank you so much , i cant hold myself , i knw hw to sketch nw
omg im only like 9 but i can master this!!!!!
OMG!!! look this may be hard to believe but i am only 9 and ur site has helped me so much with my sketches its like my habit now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :roll: :D :lol: :-) ;-) 8)
fionna u just have to keep trying
:zzz :P :roll:
Rydel lynch
So easy u know I am 13 and this really helped me u know I used my drawing and asked Someone to make the same thing in wood and now I make clothes and put them on my models 8)
Directioner #Yara
Love it. :D
hard and evwn more hard.
:D Easier than the sitting pose
[quote name=”ashley”]this is so hard, and they make it look easy. i gave up on the second or third step. break it down. ireally wanna b a fashion designer, and ur not helping. the only thing i was succesful with was the sitting pose :sad: :oops: :-|[/quote]
Ikr :/
Are there any other poses you could help us with? Such as a simple standing pose? I’m trying to steer away from constantly using templates and give myself more freedom by drawing my own figures from scratch x
omg!!! this looks so easy but it’s not!! btw for those of you who said that are not giving up gratz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
can u please break down the steps to the part when it gets to the leg because everytime i draw it its not a sucess.
christiana Anagbla
i love your web , i always try the poses
christiana Anagbla
i love ur web soo much. i am adesigning student my self
:lol: your site is totally awesome! It is really really helpful !
whittney young
you guys make it look so easy when its really hard! i tried it like 2 times but im not giving up im gonna try again and see if thiis works! :oops:
:-* :oops: :-| 8) :-) :lol: :D :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :eek: :sigh: :o :sad:
Miss Epic
You guys make it look so easy
I Draw Fashion
Hey Sally :)
I will make a back view tutorial for sure. I blieve it will be helpful for so many people…
And regarding the review section- I plan to write reviews for the best fashion illustration books I know, but still can’t find time for this.
I promised to have 10 book reviews by the end of the year,so I suppose it’s time to begin writing them :lol: Thanks for reminding!
and why dont u every write anything on the reviews in ur blog section.
can u do a back view of a fashion figure.
Liv Nielsen
you should get instagram!!! :D ;-) :-)
:lol: :lol: :lol: wow… i always try to do this pose but its so hard! Thanks for your helpful tips! TFS(thanks for sharing) !
Ada Clover
Wow, This Usefull… Thx A Lot!! Thank~~
heyyy your site is very helpful
can you try posting how to draw the back view as well
Thankyou :)
Very helpful. :D
U rock!!!
I Draw Fashion
[quote name=”bedelish”]I guess you could do a plus size template since not everyone is thin and models come in diffrent shapes and sizes also your model figure is totaly awesome
Thanks for the great idea! I like it!
I guess you could do a plus size template since not everyone is thin and models come in diffrent shapes and sizes also your model figure is totaly awesome
love this tutorial, Could you all possible do a full or plus sized woman template?
tis was really really helpful. thank you soooo much. it came out nicer than i expected. sure wish i could show you, trust me u’d be very proud. :-) keep up d gudwork
Its nice, but the cartoonish face was distracting :sigh:
Oh…this is sooo helpful! It seemed complicated to me in the beginning, but when I just followed the steps it came out really nice. Thanks a million! :-) :-) :-)