How to draw a leopard print

Animal prints keep being part of the runway shows season after season. I guess that designers just love drawing these fun patterns in their sketchbooks. In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw a leopard print in a few easy to follow steps and hopefully, you will also start to create beautiful designs inspired by the animal’s world. Have fun!

How to draw leopard print step by step tutorial cover – animal print, cheetah print, leopard, pattern, print – how to draw a leopard print

Step 1: Draw the spots

Once you have your design ready you need to set the number and the scale of your prints. Draw circles to indicate the places of the spots. Drawing them, remember to vary their sizes, or the pattern will look monotonous and boring.

Notice how some of the circles that touch the outlines of the dress are cut in half. This helps a lot to give your design more 3-dimensional and realistic look. See also that some circles are half hidden under the belt. This is how clothes look in real life, use it!

How to draw leopard print step 01 – animal print, cheetah print, leopard, pattern, print – how to draw a leopard print

Step 2: Let’s draw a leopard print

Begin drawing the first elements of your leopard print. Use the circles base and distort their form any way you like, as long as you stay close to the original size. Don’t go crazy with the distortion, though. Choose circles that don’t stay too close to each other.

This pattern shape goes best with the smallest spots, but you can apply it as you want.

When you are ready – fill the spots with a dark color. Don’t try to make it perfect. In fact – the messier you color it, the better.

How to draw leopard print step 02 – animal print, cheetah print, leopard, pattern, print – how to draw a leopard print

Step 3: Second shape

The next shape typical for leopard print is the “C”- like. Follow the circles and draw a distorted arch. Rotate the shape at every angle possible to make the pattern interesting. See in the example illustrates how this shape is cut apart from the dress’s outline too.
Fill the new shapes.

How to draw leopard print step 03 – animal print, cheetah print, leopard, pattern, print – how to draw a leopard print

Step 4: Special leopard spots

The third shape that can be seen on leopard coats is “the twins”. Build it by drawing the previous one and add a reflection of the opposite side of the circle. The reflection can be smaller, bigger or wider. It does not have to be exactly the same as your “C” shape.
Fill the new shapes.

How to draw leopard print step 04 – animal print, cheetah print, leopard, pattern, print – how to draw a leopard print

Step 5: Background color

When you have filled your design with the print, have a second look at it. Does it need an extra spot somewhere? If it does – go ahead and draw it.
Then color the whole design with a color you choose. It doesn’t have to be something orange or brown – experiment with pink, blue, grey… anything you want. It’s up to your designer’s decision!

How to draw leopard print step 05 – animal print, cheetah print, leopard, pattern, print – how to draw a leopard print

Step 6: Finishing details

Now it’s time to color the inner parts of the “opened” shapes. Use with a slightly darker color than the background one and again, don’t try to make it perfect. You can skip this step if you are happy how your design looks already and you don’t want to go too realistic.

How to draw leopard print step 06 – animal print, cheetah print, leopard, pattern, print – how to draw a leopard print

This is what drawing leopard print is all about. Quick and easy! Now as you know how to draw a leopard print you may be interested to try drawing a different kind of a print? So for this purpose, you can check out here. Also for a more cheetah look, you can add to your leopard print dress a leather jacket.

Have fun with this amazing animal print and unleash your creativity!

Happy drawing!

Love, teya

17 replies on “How to draw a leopard print

  • andrea

    :D this is so incrable because there my ant works in the disney park of california angeles is dresing a princec and old the chracters ;-) :-) :D

  • Sobia

    I just started designing fashion designs and I am already so good at it thanks to you. I was wondering, maybe you should make something like raining coats you know if people can add designs onto that and maybe even clothes from around the world.

  • emma

    hello ^^
    well i been designing since i was 6 years old
    people draw trees and sun i used to draw fashion!
    now am 19 years old and i study fashion design also
    i love this website so much i think it helps a lot of people who want to be fashion designers
    and drawing is hard for some one who’s not used to it often like me :) but never give up , keep drawing till your pefect :)

  • I Draw Fashion

    [quote name=”Lauren”]Hey, I’m an 11 year old fashion designer, actually more of a wanna be fashion designer. I love your tutorials and admire your work. Could you please do a tutorial on lace. I learnt everything about fashion from you. From drawing the model to drawing shoes and I won a fashion illustration contest at my school thanks to you. I wish you could see my drawings.
    I’m your biggest fan, BIGGEST.[/quote]

    I’m so proud of you :) Hopefully this is just the beginning of your success! The is a How to draw lace tutorial on the site already. Check out in CLOTHES —-> TEXTILES

  • Lauren

    Hey, I’m an 11 year old fashion designer, actually more of a wanna be fashion designer. I love your tutorials and admire your work. Could you please do a tutorial on lace. I learnt everything about fashion from you. From drawing the model to drawing shoes and I won a fashion illustration contest at my school thanks to you. I wish you could see my drawings.
    I’m your biggest fan, BIGGEST.

  • Ness

    i love animal print and i wanted a “how to” on leopard print so that I can decorate my graduation cap :D

    you made my day :)

  • Kiara

    Thanks. This Solved My Problem I Want To Be able To Make Different Designs. Do You Know How To Like A See Through Lace One?If You Can Thanks!

  • I Draw Fashion

    [quote name=”Anita”]Its really awesome. nvr thought its so easy. heartly thankful to u. be always guide us. i want tutorial on silk texture kindly guide me[/quote]
    Thanks for the sweet comment, Anita. I will definitely make a silk tutorial. Stay tuned :-)

  • Anita

    Its really awesome. nvr thought its so easy. heartly thankful to u. be always guide us. i want tutorial on silk texture kindly guide me


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