Top 12 Quick Fashion Illustrations

What is so special about fashion illustrations? First, models can be outlined only and still the drawing seems finished! Second, if you prefer a simpler illustration, you can get wet a piece of paper and then add 2 drops of watercolor and you’re done! We don’t guarantee you will end up with a masterpiece, but if you don’t try, you’ll never know! Here are some fashion illustrators specified in these techniques.

Top 12 Quick Fashion Illustrations by:

Jacky Blue

This illustration has two colored stains in a specific form and they are connected with lines to present a profile of a person (a man or a woman), wearing a coat and a hat in the same color. These lines are also sketching a bag and filled with color, legs. So simply and yet finished.


Illustration by: Jacky Blue

Amelie Hegardt

Here is a sketch of a model, doing her “catwalk”, illustrated by outlining the figure only, painting the face and the hair in a basic color, and highlighting the boots with shadow and light. The beauty in this work is the leveling of simplicity.


Illustration by: Amelie Hegardt

Andrea Ferolla

This work is maybe not so easy and quick but is also simply coloring the body and leaving a blank space for the light. After coloring the whole figure in yellow, the artist outlines the head, the body, the swimsuit. Little details for the background are finishing the illustration.


Illustration by: Andrea Ferolla

Rosie McGuinness

“Less is more”, says the minimalist. This one line is showing us nothing more than years of developing a style and mastering the simplicity. Even if the line is enough to impress us, the artist uses little colored stains for accessories.


Illustration by: Rosie McGuinness

Gladys Perint Palmer

Watercolor flows freely in its place! Outlines are differently sized as an addition to the idea of free brush for the quick fashion sketch. You can clearly see the easy stain of color for the hair and little more precisely colored arms.


Illustration by: Gladys Perint Palmer

Tanya Ling

Amazing head and arm! No need for face or hair to look elegant, just a color and its connection with water. Clothes are freely colored with no shadow or light, but this is a quick sketch so it’s not needed. A thin line is highlighting the front side of the model.


Illustration by: Tanya Ling

Jacky Blue

Inspiring line with a detailed, yet sketched portrait. The artist is showing us a style that is hard to copy, but surely you can try! The line is disciplined in a certain form and it’s impressive how real it seems. To color that sketch may not look this good, it has its own charm in it.


Illustration by: Jacky Blue

Gladys Perint Palmer

In this illustration, we see two women in gorgeous outfits. We see outlined silhouettes of the clothes, but we know what they look like with colors because the line is smartly hinting. Here is an example of how a quick sketch can say so much about the fashion that illustrates.


Illustration by: Gladys Perint Palmer

Amelie Hegardt

First, you see the elegance, then you see the woman, then you see her lack of face and her generalized shoes. And what is left? The impressive dress. It symbolized it all: the catwalk of a confident woman. The lines also have directions and illustrate the movement.


Illustration by: Amelie Hegardt

Jacky Blue

The artist here is taking our full attention by the impressive green that flows in all its shades. Freedom of watercolor and lines. Lines that are supposed to limit the silhouette in a certain shape, and they do, but in the same freely way as the color. Little blush on the cheeks is the perfect detail for this illustration.


Illustration by: Jacky Blue

Rosie McGuinness

Once again-outlines! What more do you need? A thick line for the outlines and thin for the details. Quick sketching is all about making a full illustration in a minute – two. And it looks like this.


Illustration by: Rosie McGuinness

Gladys Perint Palmer

You see a colored stain in a certain shape and just a little outlined area. Even the shadow is in the same color as the dress. Impressive how you can make a figure in motion just by coloring a silhouette.


Illustration by: Gladys Perint Palmer

Of course, it is almost impossible to draw a quick sketch by using one color and a line if the figure is facing right to you in no motion. If you liked these illustrations and you want to try to do it, take a look at our “How to draw a walking pose” tutorial: .

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