How to draw denim jacket

Sometimes it’s not enough to know how to draw a certain cloth, you also need to know how to recreate the fabric’s texture which is made of. This will make your sketch look more professional and dimensional. Here in this “ how to draw denim tutorial “ you will learn how to recreate denim fabric in your fashion illustrations using a very quick and easy technique so your next skinny jeans drawing to look even better.

How to draw denim step by step tutorial cover – denim, draw clothes, draw textile, fabric, texture – how to draw denim jacket

Step 1: Base color

Including all the details, draw the garment you want to make look like it’s made of denim. Denim clothes are usually stiff and when you draw the folds make sure they don’t look too soft.
Lay down the first layer of color. The final version of the jacket will get much darker, so pick a light blue for base.

The technique described in this tutorial can be applied to every single color in the palette. It is absolutely not obligatory to use blue as base color for your denim drawing.

How to draw denim fabric step 1 – denim, draw clothes, draw textile, fabric, texture – how to draw denim jacket

Step 2: Shadows

Draw the shadows using a second layer of the same color or a slightly darker shade. Normally the clothes create shadows where there are creases or one surface is in front of another ( see the pocket). Also, notice how the color of the collar changes in depth. The same happens with the sleeve.

How to draw denim fabric step 2 – denim, draw clothes, draw textile, fabric, texture – how to draw denim jacket

Step 3: How to draw denim texture

Start adding narrowed lines all over the fabric. Make sure that the lines look organized and follow the same direction. It is best to use a color pencil in a very similar shade to the base color.

How to draw denim fabric step 3 – denim, draw clothes, draw textile, fabric, texture – how to draw denim jacket

Step 4: Add even more texture

In the places where there are shadows repeat the process, but using black/dark grey color pencils. For the places, you think are brighter use a white pencil.

Color pencils are good to represent denim in fashion sketches, because they already have the crispy texture we are looking for.

Try not to overwork your drawing with black and white lines. If you do so, erase the unnecessary ones.

How to draw denim fabric step 4 – denim, draw clothes, draw textile, fabric, texture – how to draw denim jacket

Step 5: A realistic denim fabric

Take your white pencil again and this time make strong vertical bleached effects. They are supposed to hint where the jeans’ clothes are worn-out. Put those only where the volume of the body is the most bulged.

How to draw denim fabric step 5 – denim, draw clothes, draw textile, fabric, texture – how to draw denim jacket

Step 6: Add some details

Find an orange or brownish shade that will overlay the base color of the jeans and underline the stitches. This is very specific for jeans. Color the buttons and if you have any other details.

How to draw denim fabric step 6 – denim, draw clothes, draw textile, fabric, texture – how to draw denim jacket

Step 7: Make your fabric look smoother

You already have your sketch done, but if the fabric looks too sharp for your taste I recommend you to take a paper blender and go over some parts of the sketch. This will give a nice polished look at your fashion drawing.

How to draw denim fabric step 7 – denim, draw clothes, draw textile, fabric, texture – how to draw denim jacket

Have fun experimenting with denim fabrics in your designs! And if you want to learn more techniques of how to draw textiles you can find the resources here.

Happy drawing!

Love, teya

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