There are numerous differences between the normal female figure and the figure you use for fashion illustrations. How to draw a fashion figure? It is not enough to observe the real-life figure, but also you have to know how to change what you see. In this tutorial, we will compare the differences between the real-life body and the idealized fashion version of it. We weel see the differences between the two body part by body part.
Step 1: Different face types
So many shapes of theface: diamond, oblong, round, square, heart and oval.
Although in real life we see all different types of heads and faces, in fashion illustration it is recommended to use the oval one, as it is considered to be “the perfect face shape”.
Step 2: Normal or fashion neck
Fashion models have long, thin necks and emphasized collar bones. If you remember this and apply it to your illustrations they will look more graceful and elegant. Note how anatomic details are skipped and the collarbone is exaggerated to make her look bonier.
Step 3: The fashion figure
Even if you are drawing a woman with an ideal body, her proportions still won’t work for fashion illustration. In fashion drawing the body is very idealized.
- The shoulders are straightened up and high, never bent down.
- The breasts are pushed up, round and not too big. Be careful with this, because many illustrators tend to give their models a bigger bra with the idea to make them look sexier, but this is not the best solution to represent drawn garments.
- The waist is very thin- with about the same width that the head in it’s widest part is.
- The hips are the same width as the chest. Think 90-60-90.
Details that are typical for a fit body are welcome but don’t go too far with this. For more detailed instructions on how to draw the fashion figures you might want to check my online course for beginners: Fashion Figures: 101
Step 4: The arms
The main difference between a normal arm and a fashion arms is that the latter is thinner and more defined. See how the shape of the arm is more “angular” and how thinner the wrist is. To draw thinner arms don’t mean to make them longer, so make sure to keep the real life proportions and the place of the elbow (the same line the waist lies).
Step 5: How to draw hands
This is among the most asked question in fashion illustration, but it will be discussed in a separate tutorial.
Comparing the real-life hand with the fashion one, it is easy to note that the fashion illustration hand has lost most of the details. You draw no wrinkles and mark ever so slightly the bones. Your model’s hands have to be delicate and in a feminine fashion, not hidden behind her back.
Step 6: Long, long legs
Another very specific thing about fashion illustration is the beautiful long legs of the models. In the image below you can see how the shape of the thigh is more defined and even a muscle detail is shown.
The knee is just hinted, never give it too many details. Just keep it thinner and slightly tilted.
The biggest change is in the length of the calf. Its length is a turning point for the good look of your illustration. A leg looks slimmer and longer if its calf, not thigh, is enlightened.
Step 7: How to draw the feet
The feet in fashion drawings are longer and thinner than the normal ones. The ankle is more defined and the instep is more shaped. When you draw the toes it’s absolutely enough to draw only the thumb with its nail and leave the rest of the toes to the viewer’s imagination.
Happy drawing!
I really love u drawing ND I want to sell mine but I don’t know how to
Gauri Dhawan
hey , i am sure you cannot post how to draw each and every pose but can you please let me know how to go about trying different poses and postures of body parts
i go completely blank about how to start it
I love your tutorials and posts. you really help me :3 i am at an arts university – doing fashion designing but i still need to practice my illustration skills. your way of creating bodies is damn fine m’am.
Thaaaank you so much for this amazing site!
First of all, i would like to thank you Teya for making this awesome site! It really gives a lot of information! To be honest i am a 12 years old girl but i have a lot of interest in fashion designing, my first career dream at the age of 5 :3 (i know too early) was to be a fashion designer! <3 I hope that this website gonna make my art skill excellent and hope that i can be successful in my dream.
haha but my biggest problem is that i don't have a lot of patience because of that sometimes when i am trying to sketch a fashion body, i strike the page with my pencil and tear it D:
But with patience i made my first fashion face :3 and glam hair by this tutorial :D yaayyy <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Annalee Autumn
Your tutorials are great! Thank you for making figure drawing feel easy!!
The real body is what most women, including those in Hollywood, sports, and the music industry have.
Very nice step by step guide! I love the elegance of your illustrations!
thanks :lol:
Hi! First I would like to say Thank you for creating this website for inspired fashion illustrators and designers like myself. But one suggestion, I know the fashion world is made for “super slim” people but there is also “normal size fashion” and “plus size fashion” which is great cause I would love design clothing for them especially. I would like to suggest if you could show how to draw plus size bodies also?
It makes me sad that fashion is drawn on these unrealistic figures. Maybe if all fashion was drawn on the ‘real’ body you’ve shown, fewer people would have problems with self esteem and eating disorders.
It is a lovely drawing, but I think it should stay in the realm of fantasy stories, not real-life design.
You’re tutorials r an amazing help! :D :D could u do a tutorial about an elegant prom dress or something like that
Oh, that ‘s great. I want be fashion desinger, unfortunely i don’t know drawing :/ :D But thank you for helpig me :D
Hey Teya,
Love your site! It has helped me tons! I love fashion and design, but the problem is I don’t have the patience to sit down and draw a beautiful sketch. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on making a quick sketch that still gets across your idea. Thanks!
can you do one on prom dresses please Teya thank :-) you
I Draw Fashion
[quote name=”Matilda”]Heyo Teya!
I am very interested in a fashion career for my future but the only thing stoping me is my ability to draw… :sigh:
So my friend realiszed that i have that problem and it is onstantly confronting me in my studies so she advised me to this site and you would not believe how much it has halped me!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! :lol:[/quote]
I’m so happy to hear it, Matilda!
Designing is about haveng an eye for what’s beautiful.
But you need drawing skills to convince others you DO have this eye :)
I wish you to soon master the fashion drawing and to have a great fashion career!
Heyo Teya!
I am very interested in a fashion career for my future but the only thing stoping me is my ability to draw… :sigh:
So my friend realiszed that i have that problem and it is onstantly confronting me in my studies so she advised me to this site and you would not believe how much it has halped me!
Thank you so much!! This is can help me alot thank you! thank you! :lol:
siti khadijah
i like to design,but i dont know how……..i can draw…i love design….
i love your designs i hope you make a tutorial about male body too and add more hairstyles like updos,bangs,and fringes. ;-)
I Draw Fashion
[quote name=”Zakyah Freeman”]Hi Teya!
I Just Wanted To Tell Yhu That I Love Your Designs And Tutorials And They Are Really Helping Me Improve!!!! Could Yhu Post A Tutorial Of How To Draw Various Poses, Other Than The Walking Pose? Thanks A Bunch,
Zakyah :roll:[/quote]
I will, Zakyahn :-)
I have promised a “How to draw sitting pose” tutorial and I try to keep all my promises.
Right now I’m working on a tricky “how to draw a zip” little tutorial. Soon comes the sitting pose ;-)
Zakyah Freeman
Hi Teya!
I Just Wanted To Tell Yhu That I Love Your Designs And Tutorials And They Are Really Helping Me Improve!!!! Could Yhu Post A Tutorial Of How To Draw Various Poses, Other Than The Walking Pose? Thanks A Bunch,
Zakyah :roll:
Ada Clover
Thanks!! i love so much~~ thx for your help~~
cool :D
[quote name=”I Draw Fashion”]Jua, next month I am opening a website that you’re going to love. Just wait for a while ;-)[/quote]
[quote name=”I Draw Fashion”]Jua, next month I am opening a website that you’re going to love. Just wait for a while ;-)[/quote]
wooooooowww!!! I’m excited already! :D
I will keep checking your page until next month xD
Thank you sooooooooooo muchhhh,actually fashion would be so hard without your help! :)
I Draw Fashion
Jua, next month I am opening a website that you’re going to love. Just wait for a while ;-)
Andrew Brasington
Has this website been released?
omg what is the website called? Because I’m sure it was released already
Hello Teya!
This is very nice! :D
by the way
I was wondering if it’s possible to teach us how to draw Male figure? I’m interested in Men’s fashion,but sadly,it’s not as popular as Women’s :(
It would be more than awesome if you can! but it’s totally ok if it’s not possible :)
Thank you so much for helping us :)
I Draw Fashion
:-) Of course I was bad… someday I will publish my old drawings to show you where I started from… nothing even close to what you see here.
It is all about practice.
I know that there are much more talanted designers and illustrators than me, who visit this blog. But talent is only 10% of what it takes. The rest 90% is hard work, you know :-)
Thank you for being so kind. I wish I have a daughter some day that will be pround of her mom.
I wish you a lot of inspiration and creativity,
i love thizzz OMG!!!!!
:lol: this is brilliant – it’s really helped with my textiles thanx